Farmland Food
As an established, New Zealand family owned small goods consumer goods brand, Farmland has had a presence in retail for a number of years. But with a lack of investment in brand and packaging added adhoc over time led to a disconnected and confused range of products. Our teams rebrand consisted of moving the brand from a multi-to-single brand strategy. This opened up the task of simplifying what the consumer saw. Butchers apron blue adorns all packing with a coloured ticketing system to aid range navigation. While the brand was taken out of its constricting lozenge and placed oversized on all pack formats.
Scope: Packaging Design, Structural
Client: Farmland
Images Copyright of Onfire Design
Creative Direction / Matt Grantham
Design / Matt Grantham, Sam Allan, Michael Nichols, Jade Woods
Illustrator / Alice Megan